DLancer - Revolutionizing Gig Economy With Blockchain Innovation

Launched in 2023 and powered by TaskFi Protocol, DLancer is a dapp job marketplace for freelancers. Leveraging smart (work) contracts, we effortlessly bridge the gap between clients and Web3 talents all over the world.

Powered by
TaskFi LogoTaskFi Logo
Partner by
Gamefi LogoDmission Logo

Trusted by

ITS Logo
Mirai Logo
ITS Logo
Mirai Logo
ITS Logo
Mirai Logo
ITS Logo
Mirai Logo
ITS Logo
Mirai Logo
Target logoMission

Born to make the world of freelancer a better place with innovative work protocols that enhance transparency, productivity and collaboration

Blured target logo
Eye logoVision

Strives to go beyond being just a job marketplace and serve as a go-to platform for building a freelancer professional onchain reputation

Blured eye logo

Meet our dream Team!

memberTrung NguyenCo-founder, Co-CEO on Operation
memberThi TruongCo-founder, Co-CEO on Strategy
memberTomCo-founder, CTO
memberZenHead of BD
memberJackHead of BD

    Press Center

    Explore the latest press articles featuring DLancer®

    Creating Streamlined Safeguarding Processes with OneRen

    Creating Streamlined Safeguarding Processes with OneRen

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    What are your safeguarding responsibilities and how can you manage them?

    What are your safeguarding responsibilities and how can you manage them?

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    Revamping the Membership Model with Triathlon Australia

    Revamping the Membership Model with Triathlon Australia

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    Revamping the Memberships Model with Triathlon Australia

    Revamping the Memberships Model with Triathlon Australia

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      DLancer Logo & Brand Colors Guideline
      • When referencing our brand, kindly incorporate the ® symbol next to our name, such as DLancer®, as DLancer is a registered trademark.
      • DLancer® should be written with a capital "D" and a capital "L.”
      • Our latest logo is available for download here. It is of superior quality, so kindly utilize it and refrain from using low-quality images sourced from Google.
      DLancer Blue Logo
      DLancer Blue Logo
      DLancer White Logo
      DLancer White Logo
      Download the full DLancer Press Kit HERE

      Check out our articles

      Beyond Borders: DLancer and Kiva Partner To Empower Entrepreneurs
      • Social Impact
      • Beyond Borders: DLancer and Kiva Partner To Empower Entrepreneurs
      • November 14, 2023
      Beyond Borders: DLancer and Kiva Partner To Empower Entrepreneurs
      • Social Impact
      • Beyond Borders: DLancer and Kiva Partner To Empower Entrepreneurs
      • November 14, 2023
      Beyond Borders: DLancer and Kiva Partner To Empower Entrepreneurs
      • Social Impact
      • Beyond Borders: DLancer and Kiva Partner To Empower Entrepreneurs
      • November 14, 2023

      Start exploring DLancer

      Post Job illustration
      Expert Freelancers stand ready to assist you in achieving business goals
      Post Job illustration
      Job pool that aligns with your aspirations is widely open

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