Find a job that works for you

Connect with the most trusted clients worldwide regardless of location, language and payment method.

How it works

  • Setting Up Your Profile

    Connecting your wallet and creating your profile.

  • Finding & Bidding

    When you find a job that interests you, you place a bid.

  • Acceptance

    When the client accepts your bid, you both enter a shared workspace and the client allocates funds.

  • Confirmation & Smart Contract Deployment

    Confirming and signing off the work contract using your wallet address.

  • Submission & Review

    Submitting the completed task and requesting a review from the client.

  • Claiming Payment

    Once your submission is accepted, claim your payment takes just moments.

Blockchain Payment

Say goodbye to fraudulent and delayed transactions, focus on your work since you have guaranteed payment here.

Exclusive DRésumé

Enhances credibility as potential clients easily access your work records and achievements which are securely stored on blockchain.


DLancer rewards freelancers with reputation points called "shadow" - which not only showcase reputation but can also be used to unlock privileges within the system.

Why Choose DLancer?

We sweep all obstacles that hinder your prospective career path

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Diverse jobs with minimum fees

A global marketplace filled with job opportunities across various industries and skill sets that offer 5% only.

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Advanced matching engines

Leverage generative AI tools to find jobs that match your skills and interests, speed up network expansion.

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Secured smart contract

Automate the process of task verification and payment, ensuring that you paid fairly and on time.

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