Hire like a pro to build your dream team

All you need to do is give a job description, we will help you match your perfect worker within 48 hours at significant savings.

Post a Job, Get Proposals in Minutes!

Posting the job requirements and millions of candidates from all over the world, with verified reputations and work history that you cannot see anywhere else, find you well.

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Instant Access to a Pool of 150,000 Freelancers!

Skip the hassle and connect with the best by DLancer advanced sourcing filter.

Embrace Blockchain Contracts for Transparency and Trust

Found your ideal freelancer? Let's elevate your collaboration by signing a work contract directly on the blockchain for added security and transparency.

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Harness the Power to Review Freelancer Results

Giving real-time feedback - approving milestones and transferring payments - all in one place with robust protection!

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Blockchain Payment

No boundaries detected for your payment methods while ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.

Check onchain profile

Solid proof of qualifications enhances your data-driven decisions and project outcomes.

Why Choose DLancer?

Confirming and signing off the work contract using your wallet address

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Allowing you to pay based on the actual work completed, ensuring fair compensation and financial transparency.

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Meet top Web3 talents

A list of prominent candidates come to your job in minutes thanks to our advanced matching engines.

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Solid proof of work history

Find the perfect fit with onchain DRésumé by assessing workers' performance and credibility at ease.

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We've got your back with these detailed instructions!
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